• March has come and gone, and even though I only had one goal (to lose weight) I did not succeed. My first March weigh-in I was 158.2, and last week I was 161.8. So, unless I've managed to lose almost four pounds by Wednesday, it's gonna be another "wah wah" for the goal books!

    BUT. It's a new week, a new month, and I have a new attitude towards everything. This month I want to start making smaller changes, and hopefully I'll stick to them.

    • Lose Weight - This is still my number one goal for this month. I don't think I'll have a hard time accomplishing this one this time. I am feeling very confident. It may not be a huge number, but I'm aiming for the mid-low 150s by the end of the month.
    • Integrate More Clean Eating - I have wanted to begin a clean eating lifestyle for a long, long time, and it's been a struggle. I'm not going to have a 100% perfect diet, but I want to start making better choices. This first week of the month I will be traveling so it will be a little difficult, but starting next week after I'm back home I plan to stock my fridge with simple, healthy, clean choices.
    • Do 10-Minute Trainer Three Times a Week - Now, when I say "three times a week" I don't mean three 10-minute videos, I mean a set of three 10-minute videos. Three times a week, minimum, I will do three back-to-back videos. The other nights of the week are open to doing another set of three, doing just one, or taking a rest day.
    • Run Three Miles a Week - With the warmer weather I have no excuse to not get my running shoes on, but I don't want to set too high of a number just yet. The three miles can be split into any amount of time (ie. all at once, or half-miles at a time) but by the end of each week I will need to reach three miles. I live right off the beach; time to map out a running trail for myself!
    • Start Squatting - Strangely enough, I've actually always liked my butt. It's a pretty good size and it's fairly tight and well shaped. However, there's always room for improvement, and I want a really sexy booty! I've been doing a lot of reading on squats, so I'm going to start doing them. To start with, I am going to do five sets of ten reps three times a week. By the end of the month I hope have worked up to doing those same five sets of ten reps every day - 50 squats a day, 350 squats a week.
    • Return to Pilates - By the end of the month I want to be taking Pilates again. Even if I only go the last Wednesday of the month, that's okay. As long as I've gone back at least once, that is an improvement over the last few months.

    Even though I have a lot for this month, none of them are very strict. Lose weight, start eating cleaner, three 30-minute work outs a week, three miles a week, start squatting, and get back to at least one Pilates class. I feel really good about everything right now; and even though I know this will all take a very long time, I think my head is finally in a good place and the changes will just start happening naturally.