Recaps & Realizations

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No, I am not dead, and no, I did not abandon this blog. The last week has just been crazy busy! Without going into much detail (as most of it is not necessarily weight-loss related) this is why I have been missing in action the last [almost] week.

Last Wednesday was my company's Christmas party, and those who know me in real life knew I was planning on using the event as a catalyst to get better acquainted with a certain male coworker of mine. My plan worked. We really hit it off and chatted pretty much all night. During our conversation it was revealed that he has a girlfriend - ugh. But, not wanting to discard a potential friendship we kept talking. As the night went on we really had a good time getting to know each other, and then, after one too many tequila shots, we ended up leaving the party early to make out around the corner from the building. Classy! Anyway, he paid for me to take a cab home, somehow we exchanged numbers, and during one of our many phone conversations that night he asked me to have lunch with him sometime because he did like me and wanted to get to know me better "as friends." I laughed to myself, knowing that, while his plan was very sweet, it wouldn't work out exactly that way. I sort of have a sixth sense: when I meet someone new, within the first few hours of knowing them I can tell whether or not we will hook up and/or date in the future. And for my entire life, I've never been wrong. And just so we're clear, kissing doesn't count. ANYWAY! That's why I didn't blog Wednesday. Thursday I was way too hungover to blog, and Friday I only worked a half day so I could get on the road to Michigan. I had a doctor's appointment Saturday morning, then Saturday night I went to The Whitney in Detroit to research a performance opportunity I was offered. Sunday was lunch with my mom and aunt and then driving back to the city, where I unpacked, did my nails, and relaxed. Yesterday [Monday] I had full intention of blogging - but Matt (the male coworker from the Christmas party) followed through on his lunch invitation and asked me to join him last minute, to which I happily agreed (and we went to Subway). Needless to say the rest of the day I was on Cloud 9 and couldn't give two figs about blogging. Sad, but true. (I suppose I should mention that although Matt does have a girlfriend, I am not intending on breaking them up. I am intending on getting to know him, as FRIENDS, just as he suggested, and hopefully the pieces will fall where they may in the future. Neither one of us have brought up the events of the party, and I doubt we will any time soon.)


So, now that we are all caught up, how did I do with food? Well, let me start off by saying I haven't worked out, at all, since last Tuesday. I feel horrible about it because one of my December Goals was to work out four times a week, but the events of the last week have unfortunately prevented me from having much of a mindset towards weight loss. DING DING DING! Let me start off by saying I did relatively well with my points this last week. I did have fast food twice and I did go over my points [almost] every day, but I in no way did nearly as bad as I did that infamous week. Am I expecting a loss? Eh, not really. I am just hoping I didn't gain anything.

I had somewhat of a realization over the last week. I think the main reason Weight Watchers works, and is something people can stick to, is because it fits into your lifestyle - in the sense that, people's lives need balance. You can't spend every waking moment obsessing about diet, and exercise, and weight loss. It will drive you crazy, and most likely make you quit. Then again, on the same token, you can't let your entire mentality be shifted away from those things just because you have a lot going on in your life. You will slip up far too many times and fail. It's all about finding the balance, and I think I did just that over the weekend.

Am I anticipating a huge number tomorrow morning? Hell no. I'm really not even anticipating a loss. I'm a little bummed, yes, because I do want to make it into the 140s by New Years Eve, but the fact of the matter is I'm content with my actions over the weekend. Yes, I indulged a little bit. I drank quite a bit at the party, but opted out of having any food. I did pick up McDonald's on the way into Michigan and Taco Bell on the way out, but those were my only meals for the day. Honestly, I'm not sure how the scale will read tomorrow. As long as I don't gain I will be content, and I'll move forward with this next week back into my old routine. Coming into work "dirty" and going to the gym first thing is now somewhat of a challenge because, well, I need to look good, every day, all day. Pathetic, I know. But with the start of my new week tomorrow I'm hoping I can convince myself that it is for the best - plus, if I'm smart about it, I can work it out that I don't see said coworker until after my workout / shower. Yeah, I've trailed off again...

Point being, this week I did decent. Next week I will do better. Now, to see what the scale says...