Before Photos SUCK

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Last night I took my measurements and before photos, and honestly, I don't really even know what to say. As much as I would love to for the sake of documentation, I simply can't bring myself to post my "before" shots. At least not yet. They aren't terrible [I suppose], at least not compared to some that are out there, but they just aren't ready for the eyes of the public. I'm thinking when I get to 60 days I'll have made enough progress to show a comparison. Until then, they will simply remain a mystery - if only they could be a mystery to me too! Being that I'm too scared to show my pictures, I'll at least share my measurements:

Weight:151 pounds
Right Arm:12.5"
Left Arm:12"
Right Thigh:21.5
Left Thigh:21
Body Fat:27%

The irony of the whole situation is those numbers really aren't that bad. 27% body fat is actually considered "acceptable" - in fact, it's only 2% away from the lowest percentage in that category - however, if you were to see my pictures, this percentage is certainly not acceptable! After doing a little bit of research I think I'd like to fall in the 20-21% range, so I have quite a long way to go. As for the other measurements, they don't really mean much to me. I'm not familiar enough with body measurements to really have an opinion - let's just say I'm a far cry away from the 36-24-36 idealism. I do think it's somewhat amusing that my thighs are different sizes. For my arms it totally makes sense because I'm right handed so my right bicep is constantly being worked out in every daily activity; but my legs? I don't get it. Mystery...

After my neighbor helped me take my pictures, during which I was simply mortified, I sat down at my computer and stared at them - for at least 20 minutes. I sat there and examined each and every flaw. Every part of my body I couldn't stand was right there, out in the open, ready to be viewed. My "back" picture actually isn't that bad, and is by far my favorite one to look at. Somehow I've managed to get away without having back rolls, which is a nice little piece of information I've never really known before. My "profile" pictures are just dreadful - my stomach literally looks like it goes out about a mile from the rest of me. It honestly looks like I could almost be pregnant. In my "front" picture you really can't tell, but as soon as I turn to the side it literally looks like I just jumped into my third trimester.

I'm trying really hard to not be upset about what I see. It is what it is, and at this point it can only get better, right? Part of me is crossing my fingers so tight that they are almost cracking in half that I will someday have the body I've always dreamed of; then the other part of me looks at these pictures and thinks how stupid the other half of me must be to even imagine a world so far-fetched that a reality like that could possibly be true. All I can do at this point is do the workouts, put in the effort, eat the right foods, have a positive attitude, and BRING IT each and every day for the next 90 days. And hopefully, if I can do my absolute best, these pictures will only be a small blip on the radar of my life - and they will disappear, forever!