Plyometrics is AWESOME!

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I just finished my Plyometrics work out, and I gotta say one quick thing before I say anything else ... I LOVED it! It was SO hard and SO intense, but it was SO much fun at the same time. There were a few moves I couldn't do, that's for sure. There were two jumps, one where you had to bring your knees in front of you flat like a tabletop (90° angle from your torso) and another where you had to keep your torso and upper legs straight, but bend your leg at the knee and bring your feet up to almost touch your butt. Neither of those were successful for me, hahaa. But, as you can see, unlike yesterday's work out where my "failures" made me depressed and wanting to give up, my "failures" today made me laugh. I think the reason is because not only do I know they were really advanced moves but because I did well with the majority of the rest of the work out. I felt like I kept up with the people on the DVD really well, and that made me feel fantastic! I honestly feel like I could conquer the world right now *dances*

Well, my Chicken Parmesan is cooking on the stove so I should probably get back to it! Just wanted quickly state officially for the record that Plyometrics is my NEW FAVORITE WORKOUT!