SO. Much. Pain.

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So, remember how I said that Plyometrics is awesome and it's my new favorite work out and I love it and we are going to whisk off into the sunset and have a beautiful life together?

Yeah - scratch that.

I am in SO much pain today I can't even begin to express the reality of the situation to you. Today I'm supposed to do Shoulders & Arms and another go of Ab Ripper X, but the very thought of making myself do ANYTHING physical other than walking is an absolute joke! Even walking is a horrendous experience! I'm really bummed because I really was looking forward to kicking butt again today. But I'm terrified that if I  move the wrong way or even sneeze for that matter I'm going to really hurt myself. I guess I'll just use today as my rest day and catch up on Wednesday with everything. I don't really know, but I know that working out right now would be an absolute train wreck. I suppose taking one day off to recover versus taking a few weeks off because of an injury is an easy choice - right?

Literally, getting out of bed was probably comparable to the pain of child birth - and sitting down on / getting up from the toilet? Don't even get me started. It's literally like someone came over to me in the middle of the night with a hammer and just started beating the hell out of my legs. My quads especially. Ugh, and I'm supposed to go out with my neighbor again tonight ... HOW am I going to do that!?

Oh, speaking of my neighbor ... In other news, I kinda messed up last night with my nutrition plan. I ended up going out spontaneously with my neighbor and her brother and his friend who popped into town unexpectedly for a visit. We went out and met up with some other people for drinks and appetizers. I at first was only going to have one drink and call it a day, but one drink turned into two, turned into three, turned into ordering a chicken quesadilla, and, well, I think you get the gist. Needless to say I made a boo-boo. I'm not super concerned with it though as it's just one day. Tony Horton actually recommends having two "cheat days" to keep yourself from going crazy. So I guess that was mine. I don't think he'd be happy about the quesadilla though even if he could get past the five tequila waters. *shame*

But today is a new day! And so far so good - at least with the nutrition portion of things! I had my Sausage Omelet & English Muffin about an hour ago and I'll be having my Peanut Butter Apple shortly. Even if I can't work out today at least I can stick to the nutrition plan I guess. Gotta do what you gotta do in these cases I suppose...