Wednesday Weigh-In #10

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Woohoo! Down 3.2 pounds! Although, more than likely I'm not down quite that much in one week. Last week I didn't technically weigh-in. I weighed-in on New Year's Eve at 153.1, and realistically I was most likely around the 153.something range on my actual weigh-in day last week. However, because I drank quite a bit on New Years and I had a mini-pig-out-session (nothing major) on Tuesday, I simply assumed that I had gained a little bit of weight - so I decided to say 155 just to be safe. If I had to take a stab in the dark, I'd say my real weight last week was 153.5 or so, giving me a 1.5 pound loss last week and a 1.7 pound loss this week. Either way, I'm 151.8 today, and that feels awesome!

I'm only 1.9 pounds away from a huge milestone. Seeing my weight in the 140s is something I've thought about for a long, long time. I briefly got down into the 140s during my first real success in weight-loss, back in September-December 2010. On New Year's Eve 2011 I was at my lowest adult weight ever, roughly 148/149 pounds. My moment of glory was incredibly brief, and before I knew it I was back into the 150s, soon to climb into the 160s, then the 170s, and finally landing back into the 180s by the following New Year (2012). This New Years I was in the low 150s, and next New Years I will be in the 120s!

It's kind of freaky to me, actually, to think that I could potentially reach this milestone NEXT WEEK!? I'm not anticipating that I will, 1.9 pounds is a pretty lofty goal, but at the same time, it's not completely out of the realm of possibility. In seven short days I could be walking around weighing in the 140s! That's a crazy, crazy thought. It's been over a year since I've felt that satisfaction, and I only felt it for a moment. If I'm this excited about the 140s, I don't even want to think about what I'll be like when I'm teetering the 130s! I'll be a BASKET CASE, hahaa.

Oh, and I got yet another badge! Yay me: