Wednesday Weigh-In #11

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There's my gain. 1.4 pounds. But like I said, it's okay. And actually, I was expecting far worse than that. I had three off days last week, and I didn't work out at all aside from my Pilates class Wednesday night. So honestly, the fact that it was only 1.4 pounds is really a good thing. Sure I'm bummed to be that much further away from breaking into the 140s, but it's okay. If it doesn't happen next week, then it will happen the week after. I know it. I know I will get into the 140s by February and I can move forward. I know I said I was going to abandon my timeline, and I am. The only reason I still want to be in the 140s by the end of January is because I really need that mental shift. For most people, just as Weight Watchers preaches, losing 10% of their body weight is the turning point - the point where they become extra motivated and really can't wait to do more. For me, it's not 10%. It's 149.9 pounds (I guess my 10% would be around 145 pounds anyway, so they aren't too far off, hahaa).

Even with the gain this week I am in good spirits. For some reason I have a new boost of confidence. I think it's because I'm starting P90X tomorrow and I really think that will be good for me. I work really well on a schedule and that's exactly what it does. Starting next week I'm going to do better on my eating too. I don't mean "do better" as far as points are concerned, I mean I guess I mean that too, but what I really mean is "do better" as far a what I eat. I'm going to go to the grocery store this weekend and get myself situated with some better eating. Lately I've relied a lot on fruit salads for breakfast (which is fine I suppose), Lean Cuisine's for lunch, and either a salad or turkey burger for dinner. I need to start getting some better habits into my diet.

Sort of piggy-backing on that, P90X has a nutrition guide to it as well. I don't have the guide but I'm going to try and find a free version of it online somewhere for download. Once I get home tonight I'm going to take a closer look at it (download pending) and figure out how to incorporate it into my lifestyle. I assume without even looking at it that it's going to be a lot of whole foods and clean eating, which is truthfully what I need to start doing anyway. I love food. And I like cooking. And I need to make life-long changes. Lean Cuisines are only going to last me so long, ya know?

More to come tonight. For now, up 1.4 pounds. But it's okay! *positive Sam*