Wednesday Weigh-In #12

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Down another 2.2 pounds from last week. Phew. I'm really happy with that number. The last four or five days I haven't been tracking; I've been cleaning up my kitchen, so-to-speak, eating all of the foods I had that I can't eat once I start P90X tomorrow! None of these foods were bad necessarily - they were all healthier options - but the combination of foods I've had has been very, very strange. Basically 26(+) points a day in [healthy] junk food - ice cream, brownies, cracker-chips, etc. I went over my points every day, sometimes by a little and sometimes by a lot. So, all things considered I'm really happy about that number. It feels good to be out in front as far as my weight loss is concerned, and hopefully moving forward I won't have anymore steps backwards.

I'm really excited to begin P90X! I'm slightly terrified of the workouts, but I really have a good feeling about the program overall. That doesn't mean I don't have any concerns, of course. Not being able to use the scale to gauge my progress is going to be tough, and not getting frustrated with the difficulty of the workouts is also going to be a challenge. But I think my main worry is the fact that the diet is roughly 1800 calories per day (although my days seem to be a touch lower most of the time, around 1400-1500). Therefore I'm going to be consuming 200-600 additional calories per day (with the considerations of a 1200 calorie diet). If I don't bust my butt in the workouts and get the estimated burn then I'm going to be eating too much to consistently drop weight... but more to come on this in my next post.

For now, I feel pretty satisfied at 151 pounds. I think the worst part of my journey is over. Only 26 more pounds to go, and now that I think I've found a program that will really get my butt into shape (literally) I really, really am confident I'm going to get this done. I feel REALLY good about things right now, and I really haven't felt that way in quite a long time! *cheeses*