A Weight Watchers Thanksgiving

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Happy Thanksgiving! Those who have been following my posts recently are aware that I've been pulling recipes for the past week in order to create a Thanksgiving feast that not only delivers the flavors of the traditional holiday meal but that also fits into a daily points allowance. Below I've pulled all of these recipes together to create one amazing meal.

1. Orange Cranberry Glazed Turkey Breast - 6 Points
2. Mashed Cauliflower - 2 Points
6. Spinach & Strawberry Salad - 3 Points
7. Skinny Pumpkin Pie - 0/3 Points

The entire mouth-watering meal adds up to 16-19 points (as the pie can be served with or without crust). As mentioned in my first 7 Days of Thanksgiving post, the average Thanksgiving meal is 85 points! I think it goes without saying that indulging in this type of meal is definitely the way to go!

Now, someone like me who has the minimum daily points allowance possible (26 points) has to get a little creative in order to get in some of their other meals. Being that my family generally eats our "dinner" around mid afternoon, I'm hoping a late breakfast will tie me over until the feasting begins. After we eat, I'm hoping I'll be pretty stuffed for the night, and if not I have a secret weapon! Check out my evening snack below for an amazing low-point dessert. Trust me, it's delicious! It's like eating chocolate berry sherbet!

- 1 cup Special K Red Berries Cereal (4 Points)
- ½ cup fat free skim milk (1 Point)
- 1 banana (0 Points)

- Thanksgiving Feast! (19 Points)

1-2 cups frozen berries (0 Points)
- 2 tbsp frozen Cool Whip Free (1 Point)
- 2 tbsp Walden Farms Chocolate Syrup (0 Points)

And I'll still have one point to spare!

The point is, you don't have to over-indulge just because it's a holiday, especially a holiday based on the act of eating. Make smart choices, hold yourself accountable, and remember one thing:

Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!

Enjoy your turkeys everyone! Happy Thanksgiving.