Wednesday Weigh-In #03

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The picture says it all. I gained .4 pounds. Not terrible, I suppose, but not the greatest. I think the hardest part of losing weight is when you see a gain on the scale. It's devastating, especially during a week like this. I didn't cheat. At all. I did everything I was supposed to. I even made sure I worked out every single [work] day - even Monday! I couldn't participate in my usual morning work out as I wanted to follow up on a few things with my boss, so I was planning on going after work. When the time came, I really didn't want to. But I went anyway! It tastes kind of bitter now knowing that it was all in vain. Am I happy I went, yeah, sure, but I want the results too. I will never be one of those people who enjoy going to the gym simply to be healthy and to get that "after-work-out" rush; I want a tight butt, toned arms, and washboard abs from my work out regimen.

True, .4 pounds is not the end of the world. It's just frustrating because I didn't do anything to warrant it. If I had cheated or even missed a work out or two, then okay, it was my fault. But whose fault is this? My Weight Watchers app tried to make me feel better by sending me this little message after I logged my weigh-in:

So, you gained a little bit this week.

Gaining is a normal part of the process and can happen for a lot of reasons. Look back at this week and see what you might be able to change; then let go of what you can't.

The best thing to do is focus on making this coming week a success.

Well, that's very nice Weight Watchers app, but it's still hard to not feel a little down about the whole thing, especially since there isn't anything for me to change. But, the only thing I can do at this point is move forward. Hopefully this week was a fluke and any gains from here on out will be at my own hand. Little gains like this without any sort of reason, in any sort of a reoccurring pattern, will absolutely make me lose faith that I can do this.

And I know I can. I have to!