Review: Fiber One Brownies

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I've never been one to have strong food cravings. I know a lot of people who randomly yearn for something sweet, something salty, something crunchy, without having any particular reason. But for me, as long as it tastes good, I'm not too particular about the specifics. However, I think I'm slowly developing my first actual food craving. Lately I've desired foods that are sweet and chewy: donuts, pastries, cinnamon rolls, etc.

Today during my trip to Jewel I knew I wanted to purchase a variety of items I could eat when "the munchies" hit, particularly some sort of chips as well as some sweets. Then I stumbled upon this large section of Fiber One products in the snack isle, among which were their new Chocolate Fudge Brownies. The image on the box looked incredible, and a brownie would definitely satisfy my newly developed craving. So, I bought a box. I actually bought two boxes: Chocolate Fudge Brownies and Chocolate Chip Cookies. I haven't had the cookies yet, but just a little while ago I tried my first brownie. And... Oh. My. GOD! If someone had handed me the brownie without the packaging I would have assumed it was some terribly unhealthy Hostess or Little Debbie product.

  • Each brownie is only 2 Points, which is a perfect amount for a dessert.
  • Each brownie is only 90 calories, therefore even on a calorie-counting diet they are still great!
  • Each brownie is 20% of your daily fiber, which keeps you feeling full longer.
  • They are amazingly soft, moist, and have a rich chocolaty flavor.
  • They are individually packaged, making them incredibly convenient for an on-the-go snack.
  • And most importantly: they are DELICIOUS!

I foresee having a very happy and healthy life with these tasty treats. Who needs a man when you can have rich, chocolaty goodness! Next time I have one I think I'll nuke it in the microwave for ten seconds, although I can't imagine them tasting any better than they already do!