The Early Bird Has Better Workouts

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I have been making it a point to work out every morning during the work week. I've ingeniously come up with a plan that will force me to go, even on days when I really, really don't want to. What have I been doing? Not showering before going to work. Yepp, that's right! I simply roll out of bed, pack up some clean workout clothes, throw my hair in a messy bun, and run out the door to catch the train. When I get to my office I check my voicemail and email, just to make sure there isn't anything urgent (and to give me time to eat a little something), then I hustle down to the fifth floor. My reward for making sure I get to the gym each day is to be fresh and clean at work. So far it's worked like a charm!

Not only do I feel fresh and clean for the rest of the work day, but I also feel really good in general. My workout is done, it's out of the way, I don't have to worry about doing it again until the next morning. I feel accomplished and proud of myself for sticking to it, and that good feeling lasts all day long - instead of only a few hours before bed as it would if I were to workout after work. I mentioned this newly found satisfaction to my mom and she explained it's actually better for you to work out in the morning because it boosts your metabolism for the rest of the day. This got me thinking: what other benefits are there of working out in the morning?

Scientific research, including studies at Harvard University, has shown that carbohydrate reserves in the body are nearly empty in the morning. Therefore, morning activity forces the body to take the necessary energy from stored fat reserves instead. In other words, in regards to weight loss especially, morning work outs will actually yield better results over time than evening work outs, using stored fat as opposed to carbohydrates for that morning fuel.

My mom was right! After a work out, your metabolism gets a jump start. Working out in the morning allows you to take advantage of this all day long. People who workout in the morning typically burn fat throughout the day without any additional effort. Even a short workout in the morning will boost your metabolism and circulation, burning unwanted fat and up to 25% more calories than if you had worked out later in the day.

Many people have reported that working out in the morning makes them feel less hungry throughout the day, allowing them to make better food choices during meal times and limit their desire to snack. Subconsciously you are in a "healthy mindset," and therefore your suppressed appetite makes you less likely to sabotage yourself with unhealthy or overindulgent food options.

If you exercise at about the same time each day, and ideally wake up about the same time each day, your endocrine system and circadian rhythms will begin to adjust. In other words, during the time before you begin waking, your body will recognize that you are about to wake up and shortly after will be working out. Your body will prepare itself for this by elevating your metabolism and all of the hormones associated with exercise and general activity, making it to be easier for you to wake up and feel more alert and energized. In addition, your blood pressure, heart rate, blood flow to muscles, etc., will be regulated prior to your work out.

Many studies have shown that exercise increases mental activity, on average lasting four to ten hours after your work out is over, leaving you feeling more alert and focused throughout the day. Exercise also gets your heart pumping and increases blood flow to the brain, causing your body to take in more oxygen. This additional oxygen gives your body an extra boost, leaving you feeling energetic long after your work out is over.

Everyone knows that exercise makes you feel better. Your body produces “feel good” hormones called endorphins when you workout which relieve stress and make you feel more confident. These hormones help you be more productive, make better decisions, and feel more creative and less stressed throughout the day. Hormones aside, you will feel a sense of accomplishment that will carry with you all day, improving your overall mood and outlook.

As the minutes of your busy day tick by, more and more things come up that could potentially prevent you from getting to the gym. Getting your work out done and over with first thing in the morning is the only way to guarantee something else won't knock it off your daily to-do list.

A no brainer, but still worth mentioning. When you work out in the morning you are borrowing the time from sleep (usually), instead of social events, time with your family, relaxing with a good book, etc. Getting your exercise out of the way allows you to use your evenings for things that are much more entertaining and meaningful.

A study published in the scientific journal Sleep showed that individuals who began a regular morning exercise routine slept better than those who exercised regularly in the evening. Exercise stimulates your body, as mentioned before, and leaves you feeling alert and energetic. Evening workouts make it very difficult for your brain to "turn off" and your body to drift into restful sleep. Therefore, working out in the morning assures that you will have spent this extra energy throughout your day, allowing you to fall asleep much easier at night.

This is my number one motivator! Researchers have shown that 75% percent of people who exercise in the morning, and in some cases 90% of people, stick to a consistent work out routine, as opposed to 25% of people who exercisers in the evening.