Weight Watchers, the J-Hud Way

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As most people know, Jennifer Hudson is one of the newest faces of Weight Watchers. In 2009 she enrolled in the program, eventually losing nearly 80 pounds. As an entertainer, Jennifer definitely has a busy lifestyle, as most of us do. So how did she stick to the plan? Below is a seven-day meal plan of some of Jennifer's favorite meals. Obviously the groupings of these meals were earlier on in her Weight Watchers journey as the average day listed equals 35 points. Make sure to pay attention to your daily allowance and make the changes necessary for this meal plan to work for you. Remember you can use your weekly points allowance as well to pick up some of the extra points included in these meals. Enjoy!

To see the ingredients and points for each of these meals, follow the link at the end of this post.

  • Breakfast - Greek yogurt with Kashi GoLean Honey Toasted Oats cereal and sliced strawberries.
  • Lunch - Turkey sandwich on wheat, tortilla chips with salsa, and an apple.
  • Dinner - Sushi, mixed greens with sesame ginger dressing, and edamame.
  • Anytime - Chocolate VitaMuffin with whipped topping, popcorn, and a Tazo Chai Tea Latte.

  • Breakfast - Egg whites with veggies and cheese, an English muffin with jelly, and turkey bacon.
  • Lunch - Grilled chicken salad with light ranch dressing, and tortilla chips with salsa.
  • Dinner - Stir-fry shrimp with garlic sauce, brown rice, and steamed veggies.
  • Anytime - An apple with peanut butter, and Greek yogurt with pineapple and granola.

  • Breakfast - Kashi GoLean Crunch cereal with milk and a sliced banana.
  • Lunch - Turkey sandwich on a low fat English muffin, and Progresso Vegetable Minestrone.
  • Dinner - Chicken wings, collard greens, and a baked sweet potato.
  • Anytime - Greek yogurt mixed with peanut butter, popcorn, and a granola bar.
  • Breakfast - Greek yogurt with Kashi GoLean Honey Toasted Oats cereal and sliced strawberries.
  • Lunch - Grilled cheese on wheat, Progresso Chicken & Wild Rice, and an apple.
  • Dinner - Grilled shrimp, stir-fried broccoli with garlic, and brown rice.
  • Anytime - Chocolate VitaMuffin with whipped topping, tortilla chips, and a Tazo Chai Tea Latte.
  • Breakfast - Egg whites with veggies and cheese, an English muffin with jelly, and turkey bacon.
  • Lunch - Chicken burrito with cheese, and mixed greens with carrots, tomato, and vinaigrette.
  • Dinner - Two pieces of turkey, a baked sweet potato, and collard greens.
  • Anytime - Greek yogurt with pineapple and granola, and a granola bar.

  • Breakfast - Breakfast burrito with chicken, egg whites, cheese, and mushrooms.
  • Lunch - Italian Turkey Burger, and Progresso Vegetable Minestrone.
  • Dinner - Thai Chicken Stir-Fry, and brown rice.
  • Anytime - An apple with peanut butter, celery with ranch, and a Tazo Chai Tea Latte.

  • Breakfast - Veggie egg white omelet, and a mixed fruit salad.
  • Lunch - Chicken and Cheese Quesadilla, and a mixed green salad with vinaigrette.
  • Dinner - Stir-fry shrimp with garlic sauce, brown rice, and steamed broccoli.
  • Anytime - Popcorn, a Weight Watchers Fudge Bar, and an apple.